Registration And Publication Fee


Registration and publication fee can be transferred to the following account:
Bank Name: BNI
Bank Swift Code: BNINIDJA
Beneficiary’s Name: Universitas Riau Pendidikan
Beneficiary’s Account Number: 0236190650
Beneficiary’s Address: Universitas Riau, Jl. HR. Soebrantas, Km. 12. Simpangbaru. Pekanbaru. 28293. Indonesia
Please have a note: Registration and publication fee that have been submitted by author to the Beneficiary account can not be asked back for whatever any reasons.
All the participants should do a payment for publication process as shown in the following table.

The following fee table is referring the FIRST AUTHOR status
Professional (Presentation & Publication)
Indonesian: IDR. 1,800,000 International: USD. 160.00
Student (Presentation & Publication) Indonesian: IDR. 1,400,000 International: USD. 130.00

Presentation Only (without publication) Indonesian: IDR. 700,000 International: USD. 50.00

Non-Presenter Indonesian: IDR. 0,000 International: USD. 0.00

After doing the registration and publication fee payment, Participant  will have the following items:

  1. Conference kit
  2. Lunch
  3. Two coffee breaks (morning and afternoon)
  4. Access to all parallel sessions
  5. Certificate (for the Presenter, or registered participant)
  6. Conference Proceedings (Online in IOP Website)

In case of the Corona 19 Pandemic, please have a note that the items number 1-3 will be not available if the conference conducted via online (Video Conference)